6 Things You Don’t Know About Wedding Photographers

October 23rd, 2023

As you prepare to say your final "I Do!", your wedding photographer is one of the key people who will help capture the magic of your special day. Here are a few things your wedding photographer wishes you knew (but won't say out loud).


'We're Here for You!'

Text us, call us, bounce ideas off of us, ask us questions, send us pictures of your wedding dress - We want to be as involved in your wedding as possible. As your wedding photographers, we are not just random vendors. We will spend the entire day beside you, so we are there as your FRIENDS, as your moral support, someone who makes you laugh when you are most "stressed out".

Besides, we are there to capture your special moments and make you look your best. We are always open to discussing your concerns, photography preferences, or dream shots. We appreciate when you share your vision with us, as it helps us to deliver exactly what you want.


'Hire a Wedding Planner/Coordinator'

A wedding planner is not an unreasonable expense. If they don't come with the venue as part of a package, BOOK ONE. They can make a difference in streamlining the day and ensuring everything runs smoothly. For us photographers, and especially you two, a wedding coordinator is a godsend. Not only is the huge weight lifted off your shoulders as they keep things on schedule, but it also allows us to focus on capturing perfect moments without worrying about keeping track of time or coordinating events.


'If You Post Pictures From Your Wedding Day on Social Media, Tag Us!'

We don't say this directly, but it is our dying wish, trust me. If you love the photos (which you surely will) and decide to post them on social media, don't forget to tag your photographer. It's not just about giving credit where it's due but also about helping us reach a wider audience. Just SHARE THE LOVE!! Please, please, pretty please? A tag, a mention, or a shout-out can go a long way in supporting our small business. It is also a way for us to celebrate having the privilege of being a small part of your big day.


'Trust Us!'

Is the thought of "We are awkward in front of the camera" in your mind? You are not alone. 90% of couples feel the same. We shoot 90% of the day unposed, documenting everything around as it unfolds. And for those 10%? WE GOT YOU! You've hired us for a reason. We are professionals who know how to make you look good. Even if a pose feels a bit strange or a location doesn't look spectacular in person, trust in our expertise. We know how to utilise the power of light, angles, and settings to create stunning images.


'Back Up Those Photos! Print Them!'

In today's digital age, leaving photos stored on a computer or in the cloud is easy. But technology can fail. Hard drives can crash, and files can get corrupted. Hence, it's essential to have a physical backup or two.
PRINT IT!! I get it; they look spectacular on the back of your phone or tablet screen, but trust me, holding the physical photograph in your hand puts the experience into a completely different dimension. Nothing beats the actual print and album. There's something incredibly special about it.


'Leave Us a Juicy Feedback.'

And not only us. This equally applies to all vendors who made your day unique. Don't just tell your vendors what a great job they did for your wedding, tell other couples! Do share your thoughts, whether you are ecstatic about them or have some constructive criticisms. As a client, know that your opinion is always valued!


Remember, we as your your wedding photographers are there to help make your day memorable. Remember these points, and you'll undoubtedly have a smoother, more enjoyable wedding day.

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